Use this form to upload your assignments!
You can access all the presentations here!
The simplest way to share these assignments is through unlisted YouTube videos. If you need help doing this, choose a tutorial to learn how to upload via:
Session 1
Individual Assignment
Create a free personal (not Education) Soundtrap account
Drag a drum loop into a project Drums and Loops Lesson
Record a video of yourself playing a body percussion backbeat.
Add an audio track and record 4 bars of yourself beatboxing along. Record Audio and share it with [email protected].
Band Assignment
Get your bandmates’ emails
Create a band name
Create a free Soundtrap account
Create 1 new project and share it with your bandmates
Session 2
Individual Assignment
Submit a video of you grooving along on the open E string to a track of your choosing
- 100 BPM Funk Beat
- 80 BPM Trap Beat
- 110 BPM Dance Beat
- 220 BPM Punk Beat
- 100 BPM R&B Beat
- 90 BPM Rock Beat
Record a video of you playing along with Hello by Adele and a tab of your choosing!
- Crazy Train, Wannabe, Proud Mary or one from this giant list!
- Crazy Train (Uke), Wannabe (Uke), Proud Mary (Uke)
Band Assignment
Pick a lyrical theme for your song and begin the lyric writing process.
Looking for ideas? Check out our Songwriting Tips
Session 3
Individual Assignment
Record a video of you strumming the A, D, and E chords (guitar) or C, F, and G chords (ukulele)
Record a video of yourself playing along with the A to D Jam (guitar) or C to F Jam (ukulele)
Record an 8-bar solo using the 2, 4, or more note solo over Oye Como Va
Band Assignment
Write and record a chord progression for your song on the comping instruments of your choice!
Session 4
Individual Assignment
Watch the video Music as a Language by Victor Wooten
Band Assignment
Add vocals and any other instruments you want to your project!