LESSON PLAN: 4 Chord Songs: “Doo Wop”
Students will be able to play and identify songs that use a classic chord progression in popular music from the last 7 decades
The “Ice Cream Changes” Doo-Wop progression video, recordings and song charts for “We Are Young” by FUN, “Baby” by Justin Bieber, “Fall For You”, “Crocodile Rock” by Elton John, “Octopus’s Garden” by The Beatles, “Earth Angel” by The Penguins, Jam Card #6 (Scale Chords)
Vocabulary and Terms
- Show students the “Ice Cream Changes” video from our website.
- Practice finding these four chords in the key of C Major; the C chord, A minor chord, F chord, and the G chord in that order. They all use the same shape.
- Add bass notes in the left hand by playing only the root of each chord down low on the keyboard at the same time you play the chord with your right hand.
- Use this comping pattern to play “Baby”
- Use this comping pattern to play “Crocodile Rock”
- Use this comping pattern to play “Octopus’s Garden”
- Use this comping pattern to play “Earth Angel”
National Core Arts Standards (Music)
Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. Example: General Music MU:Pr4.2.4 b. When analyzing selected music, read and perform using iconic and/or standard notation. Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. Example: Harmonizing Instruments MU:Pr6.1.H.IIa (HS Accomplished) Perform with expression and technical accuracy, in individual and small group performances, a varied repertoire of music that includes melodies, repertoire pieces, improvisations, and chordal accompaniments in a variety of styles, demonstrating sensitivity to the audience and an understanding of the context (social, cultural, and historical). Common Core Correlation: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.2 Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.