LESSON PLAN: Two Note Chords


Students will be able to use a 2 note chord to play a chord progression used in many rock and roll songs. This will reinforce their knowledge of where notes are on the keyboard while providing fingering habits which allow them to eventually play larger chords more easily. By integrating the left hand these easy chords turn into accompaniment patterns that can be used in lots of songs




  1. Make sure the students know their finger numbers by clenching 2 fists and openingFig A one finger at a time simultaneously in both hands while saying “1, 2, 3, 4, 5”.
  2. Help students use the right hand to play a “mini C chord” using the 1 and 3 fingers on C and E in the middle of the keyboard. Having student pair up with each other to help one another is often a good idea to reinforce what they’re learning and free up keyboards! Repeat this process with a “mini F chord” using fingers 1 and 3 on the notes F and A.
  3. Have students find these chords quickly when you call them out, resting their hands on their laps in between so that they have to rely on their eyes to find them.
  4. Have them play the CFig B chord in 4 steady beats (quarter notes) followed by the F chord in 4 steady beats, and repeat until they can play this progression steadily without stopping.
  5. Continue playing this steady rhythm while you sing the parts of songs that use this famous chord progression; “Feelin’ Alright”, “Imagine”, “Waiting in Vain”, “Drive My Car”, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”, “Glory Days”, etc.
  6. Next we’re going to begin preparing the left hand to play bass notes by learning to “feel” the keyboard. Tell students they can find C by feeling the group of 2 black keys and F by feeling the group of 3 black keys. Spend a couple of moments asking students to close their eyes and feel for the C or F depending on which note you call out. Remind them that since our eyes can only look at one hand at a time, learning to “feel” the notes of the keyboard can allow us to play with two hands much more easily.Fig C
  7. Ask students to place their left hand 5 finger (pinky) on a low C. This is the finger responsible for playing that bass note.
  8. Have them play the C chord and bass note together, and then while holding the bass note repeat the chord 3 more times. Do the same thing with the F chord, keeping the bass note as a C so that they don’t have to worry about both hands moving to new notes. Remind them to keep their eyes on the right hand which is moving from a C chord to an F chord while “feeling” the left hand pinky playing the C. Once this 2 handed coordination is up and running steadily try singing one of the songs that fits this progression.

National Core Arts Standards (Music)

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation. Example: General Music MU:Pr4.2.2 b. When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using iconic or standard notation. (applies 1-4) Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. Example: General Music MU:Pr6.1.2 a. Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical accuracy. (applies K-5) Common Core Correlation: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.G.A.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.

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